13 Editora
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A financing tool to pressure power structures
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A mechanism to provide resources in order to take joint action
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An instrument that enables the creation of alternatives and social response
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A conjunct fund through which to build outcomes for each situation
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A common box to face the system’s different forms of repression
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A spot in which to respond to injustice in a fair and solidary manner
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Our campaigns


Absolución Caso Spora

By: Absolución Caso Spora

Somos activistas climáticas acusadas de pertenecer a una organización criminal. Necesitamos ayuda para pagar los gastos de nuestra...
  • € 2.525 reached
  • 61 days remaining
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What is Pepa Loba?

Pepa Loba, Peto Externo de Planificación Antisistema e LOita Base Anticapitalista (External Box for Anti-Establishment Planning and Anti-Capitalist Base Struggle) is an independent financing tool that arises under ECOAR)))’s framework for:

  • covering the financial needs for the development of campaigns, initiatives, projects, and actions, both in the alternatives and social response fields.
  • facing sanctions and remaining costs derived from the system’s repression and punishment mechanisms.
  • taking action with solidarity with individuals and collectives that do not have the necessary means of finance as well as dissemination, in order to carry out campaigns to cover those fields by themselves.
Social and secular state
Horizontalization of society
Non violence
Responsible Consumption
Defense of Public Services
Defense of Human Rights

What is Burla Negra?

burla negra

Burla Negra is an open tool of Pepa Loba that works as a ‘solidarity and resistance box’ for activists in order to face adverse circumstances derived from their action.

  1. to collaborate so that activists may pay the fines resulting from their action.
  2. to build campaigns denouncing social and political repression.
  3. to serve as a tool where one can denounce situations of social and political repression.

Originally a slave ship, it ended up serving as a pirate ship. Only those who had not been subject to more than their own will with a strong sense of justice were welcome in it.

Who's who?

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Pepa Loba

She is a legendary galician figure of the 19th century. Savage and cruel with wealthy people, but kind and fair with the peasant population. Framed under the “generous bandit” archetype, while standing for women who yields to nothing.

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Pepa Loba’s companion. Characterized as a calm and insightful dog. He represents the unbending loyalty and complicity with Pepa Loba.

"I don’t think you and I are very closely related but if you are capable of trembling with indignation each time that an injustice is committed in the world, we are comrades, and that is more important." - Che
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We are an instrument that allows the creation of alternatives and social response

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